What is the "certified ethno-health coach"?
With the certification “Ethno-Health-Coach” one can prove that one has successfully dealt with the basics of natural medicine and with the ingredients as well as modes of action of the Ethno-Health formulations. The certificate confirms that Ethno-Health-Coaches can pass on their knowledge to others.
What does the training to become an ethno-health coach look like?
The training to become a certified ethno-health coach consists of several parts. First, interested parties must complete a basic e-learning module. This covers the following topics:
- The causes of diseases
- The basics of self-healing
- Healing power from nature
- The best of TCM
- The best from Tibet
- Support diseases naturally
- Prevention is better than cure

The basic module ends with a learning success check. If participants have successfully completed this, they receive a certificate of attendance. In addition, the prospective Ethno-Health-Coaches have to attend two advanced courses. One of the two courses must be on traditional Chinese recipes. The other course can be chosen freely. Important: The sequence of the basic module and the advanced courses is arbitrary!
Once participants have successfully completed both the e-learning basic module and the two advanced courses, they receive the Ethno-Health-Coach certificate. The certificate is valid for one year. To extend it, Ethno-Health-Coaches must attend an advanced course once a year until the current certificate expires.
Who are the speakers?
The speakers are real experts in the field of natural medicine and ethno-health formulations. The extensive knowledge on these topics is imparted by general practitioner and specialist in ethno-medicine Dr. med. Ingfried Hobert, pharmacist Andreas Binninger, health and nutrition coach Daniela Herzberg and physiotherapist and Shiatsu practitioner Antje Tittelmeier.